Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New Officers and Joint Installation on July 30 (updated 7/20)

Local Lodges are pleased to announce this year's joint Installation Ceremony to be held at Fireman's Hall in Thorndale on the evening of Friday, July 30, hosted by Thorndale Lodge #978. The ceremony will be presided over by MW Orville O'Neill, Grand Master of Masons in Texas.

Everyone is invited to dinner and socializing beforehand at Downtown Cafe in Thorndale beginning at 4:00. This will be an informal gathering where everyone will order off of the menu. After dinner all Master Masons are invited to attend the opening of Thorndale Lodge #978 (less than a block away) where the Grand Master and other Grand Lodge officers will be officially received and welcomed. At 6:00 everyone is invited to attend the Installation Ceremony, which will be an open meeting, at Fireman's Hall, just north of town on FM 486.

(Please note that the above information has been updated from previously incorrect information on times.)

Currently the following Lodges are scheduled to participate:
Thorndale Lodge #978 (Host Lodge)
San Andres Lodge #170 in Cameron
Carolina Lodge #330 in Lott
Rockdale Lodge #414
Milano Lodge #605
Rosebud Lodge #745

The following are the incoming officers for the 2010-2011 Masonic Year:

San Andres #170 (Cameron)
WM: Norman Lanford
SW: Tommy McCormick
JW: Casey Stanislaw
Treas: James C. Wheeler
Secy: Hank Clore
Chaplain: E.J. Provasek
SD: Joe Wallace
JD: Steve Howeth
Tiler: Ed McCormick

Carolina #330 (Lott)
WM: Stanley Parker
SW: Craig Burnside
JW: John Stem
Treas: Tommy Trice
Secy: Ralph Scott
Chaplain: Raymond Golding, Jr.
SD: Tom Lagrone
JD: Shen Thornton
Sr. Steward: Austin Parker
Jr. Steward: Marshall Jenkins
Tiler: Jimmy Thornton

Rockdale #414
WM: David Pendleton
Secy: James Maines

Milano #605

Rosebud #745
WM: Stacy Maness
SW: Joe Wallace
JW: John Reason
Secy: Maurice Goza
Treas: Casey Stanislaw
SD: Jeff Slovacek
JD: Harmon "Sonny" Burns
Tiler: Charles Groseclose

Thorndale #978
WM: Johnny Menges
SW: Ed McCormick
JW: Dillon Decker
Secy: Barton Felton
SD: Trey Felton

Please help me fill in the blanks (or correct my spelling!) by emailing me at Thanks.

Upcoming Degrees Fri 6/18 and Mon 6/21

There will be a Fellowcraft Degree at Rockdale Lodge #414 on Friday, June 18 at 7:00 p.m. For more information please contact Aaron Alford or WM Johnny Menges.

There will be a Master's degree in Thorndale on the evening of Monday, June 21 at 7:00 p.m. All who are interested in helping please contact WM Tommy McCormick or Barton Felton.

See you there!